Lunch Today: Hot Dog or Hoagie Athletics Today: Volleyball @ Heppner 4PM EOU Will be here at lunch today. Wyo-Tech will be here during 6th period. FFA Announcements: 1. There will be an Ag Sales Meeting in Ms. Reeders room during Senior Lunch Today! 2. On October 17th we will be having an FFA Meeting at 6pm in Ms. Reeders room and decorating cookies! 3. All FFA members are invited to come bowling at 5pm at Wildhorse with the Oregon FFA State officers. You will have to find your own ride there and rent your own shoes. The lanes and pizza are provided! Football Player: Please turn your Prime Rib Packets in to Carla or Kerstin by FRIDAY. The TigerScot Football Prime Rib Dinner FUNdraiser will be Oct. 12th. Tickets are available at the High School Office. Do you need help making a plan for what's next after high school? Take a minute to check out the school to careers program and see how we can help you make a plan for the future! Sign up in the hallway or reach out to Jane Waldher your school to careers coordinator. Umatilla County Fair is looking for Fair Court Applications.
over 1 year ago, Kerstin Gillum
National Coaches Day Is October 6! Find your new favorite game day fit and save 15% when you spend $75+.
over 1 year ago, Kerstin Gillum
Lunch Today: Beef Goulash or Hoagie Athletics Today: C-Team Volleyball @ Lincoln High School, 4:30PM Join School to Careers on October 12th for a field trip to learn all about careers at CTUIR. Limited seats, sign up on career/college board in the hallway! Bus will leave at 9:30 and be back by 11:45. Wyo Tech will be visiting our school on October 5th at 1:15pm during 6th period. EOU will be here at lunch on Thursday. Football Player: Please turn your Prime Rib Packets in to Carla or Kerstin by FRIDAY. The TigerScot Football Prime Rib Dinner FUNdraiser will be Oct. 12th. Tickets are available at the High School Office. Do you need help making a plan for what's next after high school? Take a minute to check out the school to careers program and see how we can help you make a plan for the future! Sign up in the hallway or reach out to Jane Waldher your school to careers coordinator. Umatilla County Fair is looking for Fair Court Applications.
over 1 year ago, Kerstin Gillum
Congratulations to our students! Ecotrust - 2023 Indigenous Leadership Awards CTUIR members recognized by Ecotrust – Confederated Umatilla Journal
over 1 year ago, Kerstin Gillum
Students and Parents: Main Street Construction will be taking place. Please allow for more time to arrive at school/bus stop. Lunch Today: Walking Tacos or Hoagie Athletics Today: JV & Varsity Volleyball vs Ione @ Arlington 5PM Collage at Lunch Today: Linfield Collage Wyo Tech will be visiting our school on October 5th at 1:15pm during 6th period. EOU will be here at lunch on Thursday. Football Player: Please turn your Prime Rib Packets in to Carla or Kerstin by FRIDAY. The TigerScot Football Prime Rib Dinner FUNdraiser will be Oct. 12th. Tickets are available at the High School Office. Do you need help making a plan for what's next after high school? Take a minute to check out the school to careers program and see how we can help you make a plan for the future! Sign up in the hallway or reach out to Jane Waldher your school to careers coordinator. Umatilla County Fair is looking for Fair Court Applications.
over 1 year ago, Kerstin Gillum
Good Morning All, We are again asking for your help to spread the word that we are accepting 2024 Umatilla County Fair Court Applications. Remember that the program is open to young ladies enrolled in school/home school full-time, living in Umatilla County and who are in grades 9-12. This is a great opportunity for learning/practicing leadership skills while forming long lasting relationships with peers, strengthening individual confidence as well as participating in community outreach. The UCF Court program has had an everlasting positive impact on all participants which reaffirmed throughout the year as we hear from various UCF Court Alumni. Thank you in advance for your assistance with our applicant recruitment process. The application packet is attached and can also be accessed on the Fair's website by clicking the "Fair Court" Shortcut and clicking on the application button at the top of that page. You can also pick up a copy at the office. The application deadline is 10:00 AM on Friday, Oct. 20th. Thank you, Angie McNalley | Umatilla County Fair Manager
over 1 year ago, Kerstin Gillum
Lunch Today: Chicken Tenders or Hoagie Athletics Today: JV football @ Grant Union. Leave time 11:30 Linfield College will be here tomorrow at lunch time for anyone interested. Wyo Tech will be visiting our school on October 5th at 1:15pm during 6th period. Football Player: Please turn your Prime Rib Packets in to Carla or Kerstin by FRIDAY. The TigerScot Football Prime Rib Dinner FUNdraiser will be Oct. 12th. Tickets are available at the High School Office. Do you need help making a plan for what's next after high school? Take a minute to check out the school to careers program and see how we can help you make a plan for the future! Sign up in the hallway or reach out to Jane Waldher your school to careers coordinator.
over 1 year ago, Kerstin Gillum
Weekly Athletics: Oct. 2nd JV football @ Grant Union. Leave time 11:30 Oct. 3rd JV/ Varsity volleyball @ Arlington 5pm Oct. 4th volleyball JV 2 @ Lincoln HS 4:30pm leave time @ 3pm Oct. 5th volleyball JV/Varsity @ Heppner 4pm Oct. 6th football at Stanfield 7pm Oct. 7th Volleyball home vs Union 10am Powder Valley at 2pm. High school gym. Oct. 7th cross country @ Pasco
over 1 year ago, Kerstin Gillum
Lunch Today: Burrito or Hoagie Athletics Today: Homecoming Football vs Grant Union, Game starts at 7pm and court crowing will be during halftime. If you are riding the shuttle to HOCO Dance, your name must be on the list by end of lunch today. You must also purchase a ticket ahead of time. HOCO Theme: School Colors. HOCO Boards are due by 5: 30. Events Today: Please visit our Club Booths today during lunch and advisory. Do you need help making a plan for what's next after high school? Take a minute to check out the school to careers program and see how we can help you make a plan for the future! Sign up in the hallway or reach out to Jane Waldher your school to careers coordinator.
over 1 year ago, Kerstin Gillum
Thank you for your understanding. Our phones are back up. Kerstin
over 1 year ago, Kerstin Gillum
WMHS-Phone Issue Please be advised, the phones at the high school are down. You can email Kerstin with any attendance needs or call the district office in the case of emergency. We have reported this issue to IT and will hope to have it fixed soon.
over 1 year ago, Kerstin Gillum
Powderpuff is on NFHS right now!
over 1 year ago, Kerstin Gillum
Lunch Today: Chicken Sandwich or Hoagie Athletics Today: C-Team Volleyball @ Imbler 6pm Homecoming Dance Shuttle is available. Students must sign up at the office and have a ticket to get on the shuttle. 7:30 Weston 7:45 Athena HOCO Events: Class Colors Musical Chairs The Noise Parade and Tailgate will be located at the Athena Elementary School. All students will decorate and load their floats their. Please load by 6:45pm as the parade starts at 7pm.
over 1 year ago, Kerstin Gillum
Are you needing an afterschool job? YMCA is hiring after school tutors for the Weston Middle School program. If you are interested check out YMCA walla walla to learn more details or reach out to Jane Waldher. APPLY TODAY!
over 1 year ago, Kerstin Gillum
ASB is in need of some supplies for the HOCO dance.
over 1 year ago, Kerstin Gillum
Homecoming Night Feed-Come support the our Volleyball Team.
over 1 year ago, Kerstin Gillum
Lunch Today: Chicken Alfredo, Chicken Tender, or Hoagie Dress Up Day: Sports/Tye-Dye Event: Buffpuff The elementary school has given permission for floats to be parked in the north corner where the busses were parked over the summer. Classes are responsible for cleaning up and getting the semi's moved at the end of tomorrow's festivities. Any class that fails to do their obligatory neighborly duties will forfeit their noise parade and fire pit points. The new bell schedule can be found online, everyone will go to lunch after 4th. Club Interest Fair will be Friday during lunch. Sign ups are at the office for the homecoming shuttle.
over 1 year ago, Kerstin Gillum
Lunch Today: Pizza Pocket or Hoagie HOCO: Monday: Blast to the Paste/Tropical Poison Ball Tournament Tuesday: Sports or Tie-Dye Buffpuff (Boys Volleyball) The SOS List will be pulled at 3:30 today.
over 1 year ago, Kerstin Gillum
Homecoming Week Starts Tomorrow.
over 1 year ago, Kerstin Gillum
Reminder- All students must check into advisory at the first lunch bell today. If you have an hour long lunch, your teacher will let you know. SOS List for Homecoming will be pulled Monday at 3:30. All missing work must be turned in by TODAY at 3:30 to be graded in time. Lunch Today: Pizza Stick or Hoagie HOCO Bell is going on. Check the rules below. Penny Wars ends at lunch today. Who will win? Homecoming is next week: Monday: Blast to the Paste/Tropical Poison Ball Tournament Athletics this weekend: Football vs Lowell @ Sherman County HS JV-2pm Varsity- 4pm
over 1 year ago, Kerstin Gillum